2021 Flying Stars

There are many different schools of Feng Shui, and because one’s environment significantly affects an individual’s well-being, all are concerned with the concentric interactions of physical surroundings such as buildings, trees, mountains, rivers, roads and so on. Thus it’s believed that considerations from the smallest decorative object, up to and including the overall design of a structure or property, constitute its Feng Shui.

One popular method of Feng Shui is the Flying Star system, which represents the nine directions and the major stars that move in and out through their quadrants. The system’s origin was likely inspired by the constellation we call the Big Dipper. The reason this theory is called Flying Stars is due to energy’s constant motion and directional impact.

The Flying Star system is associated with the Compass School of Feng Shui. People who ascribe to this school look at the horoscope of a building. Their method incorporates a building’s geographic positioning, cartographical direction, and chronologic age to create a Flying Star chart and numerological diagram. By analyzing the stars that are present in each of the various directions, one can designate in which quadrant Feng Shui appointments should be installed in order to reduce negative influences and to activate auspicious energies.

It is okay to re-use items from a previous year’s Flying Star adjustments i.e. Foo Dogs, coins etc. Check their condition and if you find them to be damaged you must replace them. However, there should be at least one new ingredient in your Flying Star recipe. New Year Paper Couplets must always be new.

The Flying Star directions change on February 3rd, 2021 at 10:58 PM. Here are the predictions for each sector. Listed first is the sector, followed by the ruling element and the flying star.

2021 Favorable directions: West, South, Center. Unfavorable directions: Southeast, Southwest, North, and Northwest. Both favorable and unfavorable Northeast and East

2021 Flying Stars

SOUTH – Sector 1 (Water Element) Peach Blossom. The Peach Blossom Star resides in the SOUTH this year. This star’s appearance highlights relationships and affects marriage, socializing, one’s popularity, event attendance, and going out on the town. Use bright colorful flowers here to elevate your relationship.  Adding a water plant to this area (no soil, only water) will help you socially. To prevent your boyfriend from leaving you for someone else, or to prevent any third party interference, place a Rooster here. You can use the Power Blue Crystal to bring in more activity. Enhance this area by decorating with the aforementioned colorful flowers, and the placement of the 2021 Relationship Crystal or the Pink Relationship Ducks .  2021 Tiny Lucky Ducks Love Charm For those already married, or if third-party relationships are looming threateningly, you can block the star’s energy by using the color yellow (Earth). This is especially important if your bedroom is in the SOUTH sector. However, people in sales or communication should take care not to overdo it because the Earth Element will cut off your Water Element and cause blockage to your income.


NORTH – Sector 2 (Earth Element) Sickness Star: This star’s existence in this area brings with it the negative effects of chronic disease, accidents, or the possibility of surgery. Proven methods for negating these are to donate blood and perform good deeds. Recommended adjustments to place in this sector are the Natural Gourd, which is known as a “Hu Lu”. In olden times, a “Hu Lu” was used to store medicinal herbs. Chinese deities (such as the Eight Immortals) were often portrayed carrying a gourd, in which they would capture and contain evil spirits. If your office or business door opens facing North, use the  Six True Word Crystal. Avoid using the colors yellow and red here. Be careful of arguments resulting in lawsuits. The Longevity Coins are also a good adjustment for this area.  Don’t sit or lie down in the NORTH for extended time.  You can also place a Pi Xui  in this direction. If your front door faces this direction you can use hidden or visible under your doormat or hanging from your door the Longevity Coins.


SOUTHWEST – Sector 3 (Wood Element) Argument Star – (aka the Dispute Star) will reside here this year. Its influence is characterized by disharmony in business or family relationships. Using the color red here will help to avoid arguments. You can use a Red Crystal, red light, or if door opens to south, a red doormat. 12 Zodiac Wall Hanging you can put this in the sector or in the hallway or any place that people congregate or sleep; this will bring harmony to the household.


EAST -Sector #4 (Wood Element) The Wisdom Star and the Three Killings Star reside in the EAST this year. To activate The Wisdom Star, place four pieces of Bamboo in water. This area is an excellent place for studying because it favors academics. If your desk is in the EAST, that is perfect! For promotion or a raise, emphasize the color green or use the power green crystal, or the Flying Star Calligraphers Brushes here. Families with children in school or college, this is a smart area to adjust. To negate the Three Killings Star, which is a bad energy star, use a Pi Xui here in the East.


SOUTHEAST – Sector 5 (Earth Element) Disaster Star aka Wu Huang or Five Yellow Star. This is considered the most malevolent and dangerous of the nine stars. It can bring misfortunes, accidents, loss, and death. Its presence indicates tragedy, sickness, calamities, and obstacles to overcome. Many will experience the effects by facing tough issues in health and relationships, or encountering financial hardship. Install a Pi Xui Charm, Five Element Power Bell, Gold Satin Brass Bell Money Coins & Bell, in this sector. This is an inauspicious direction for renovation, so be sure to contact a Feng Shui consultant and receive a blessing ceremony before proceeding. If your house or main gate faces this direction, it is recommended to simply not do any renovations this year. Adjust this area and be conscious to avoid arguments, remain frugal, work diligently, and keep to your own business. Avoid using the colors yellow and red here. If your front door faces this direction you can use under your doormat or hanging from your door (hidden or visible) the Longevity Coins.



CENTER – Sector 6 (Metal Element) Lucky Carriage Star: This is an auspicious direction; make adjustments here and concentrate on the intention of improving your career. Associated with good fortune and help from Heaven, this star brings luck as well as power and authority, fame, and reputation. This is a particularly good star for blue collar workers, or anyone who uses their hands for work. One can also place here an Crystal. to attract better prospects.


NORTHWEST – Sector 7 – (Metal Element) The Broken Army Star signifies violence and bloodshed. It can also symbolize loss of family members, robbery, lawsuits, jail, or violence. If your bed is in the NORTHWEST of your house, or your bedroom door opens towards the NORTHWEST, hang a  Power Blue Crystal, Blue Elephant and Rhino Charm. Do not place, or at least, minimally use moving objects or adjustments that create sound; i.e. wind chimes, radio, drum sets, or television. It is advised to move such items out of this sector. Avoid the color red here.


WEST – Sector 8 (Earth Element) Prosperity Star. The 8th star means material gain, prosperity as a reward for work done. It is a beneficial star. It brings good luck, good financial returns, or an improvement in reputation. For good communication with people and to get the money flowing you can use 12 Jade Zodiac Animal Charm. Do not block chi. Do feel free to make use of movement, like putting a fountain here. Remove books, and keep neat and tidy. Strengthen with the colors red and yellow  Gold Satin Brass Bell or Money Coins with Yellow Backing , Golden Money Frog


NORTHEAST – Sector #9 (Fire Element) Happiness Star and Tai Sway. The Happiness Star brings wonderful good fortune and excellent prospects for the future, and further benefits your marriage or other personal/business relationships. Use the 12 Zodiac Wall Hanging to communicate well and experience more cooperation with colleagues, associates, and family members. For more sweetness in your relationship or you can place 9 red roses. (with stem in vase, no thorns.)  If you wish to get married or have a baby, adjust the area with objects that are red or pink.  You could also place Pink Relationship Ducks here. 12 Zodiac Wall Hanging  would be a good adjustment here as well. Tai Sway affects those signs that are having a tai sway year – Ox, Dragon, Goat, Horse, and Dog. Adjust with a Pi Xui charm. If your front door faces this direction you can use (hidden under your doormat) the Longevity Coins.